Balaity Property Enhancement is a suite of services designed to enhance the appeal of commercial properties for owners, consumers, agents, and tenants.  The customized, highly targeted, and economical approach to each property identifies design opportunities for immediate and long-term improvements with a maximum return on investment.  Core services include retail design, merchandising, tenant coordination, and design review.  We specialize in the design of independent retail space and jewelry stores throughout North America.

Balaity Property Enhancement approaches architecture and interior design projects in conjunction with Patrick M. Pillot Architect.  The team combines traditional design expertise with specialized experience in the retail design industry.

Entries in retail (2)


New mixed use projects on the boards

We are working on several mixed use retail and self storage projects throughout Florida. Here's a preview.



Ross Elliott Jewelers complete

Ross Elliott Jewelers opened to the public in July 2012.  There are still a few details to work out, but so far the store is generating excitement in Terre Haute and serving the Elliott family well.  Check back for professional photographs and information on the Grand Opening celebration.