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Touch De L'Afrique

Touch De L'Afrique will soon open on St. Armand's Circle in Sarasota.  Balaity Property Enhancement designed the retail space, including all millwork and merchandising systems.  The project architect is Pat Pillot.  The crips gallery space will showcase high end artwork, artifacts, and jewelry produced in South Africa.  This retail component keys in with Go Touch Down Tours, a safari and city tour company.  Customers can experience the retail element and also learn about travel opportunities, which are presented in a lounge and conference space that is a natural extension from the retail floor.

Learn more about the company at: http://touchdelafrique.com/

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Reader Comments (1)

I slipped into this shop and was very impressed by the skillful carpentry work, especially the outside facade and the adjustable shelving. Crisp edges and clean lines will accentuate the merchandise nicely! I noticed that Southern Cross contracting did the work. Can I locate the carpenter through them or through you?

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